Film: In the light of night - Festival NASUTI

Film: In the light of night

The global problem of light pollution is growing exponentially every year, but it does not yet have a real solution. The problem that negatively affects the lives of animals and plants, the work of astronomers, but most affects the health of each of us. Light pollution is another type of pollution on the planet, but unlike plastic pollution or CO2 emissions, it is not the focus of media attention.

Peter Begeni
Martin Kucharík
František Kundracik
Beata Polomová
Pavol Rapavý
Marek Semelbauer
Tomáš Slovinský
Katarína Stebelová
Juraj Tóth
Michal Zeman

Nataša Dojčáková

Astrophotography – Tomáš Slovinský
Production – Zuzana Hajdu
Camera – Matej Pok
2nd camera – Eleonóra Rakúsová
Screenplay and direction – Matej Pok